Mooncat Cherry clear guide + basics
Some basic tips and paths to the yellow and red eggs in Mooncat Cherry.
Some basic tips for playing Mooncat
The controls for Mooncat are a bit unusual - Here is a short tutorial.
On the main menu select P1 INPUT A for normal controls, type B reverses left/right and is for Locked In Gamers.
This is a two button game, for best experience decide on one button from Z/X/D-pad and one from arrow keys/face buttons and use ONLY those buttons.
- Jump by moving in one direction and then pressing the other button. Hold for longer jump.
- Slam after jumping by pressing the other button again, or pressing both buttons while you are falling. Holding a button (or not holding either) will determine the direction you are launched after a bounce.
- Dash and Run by double tapping a button and hold to run.
- Dash Jump is similar to dashing, but instead of pressing one button twice, you press and hold both buttons on the second tap. This jump works when you slide off platforms and makes it possible to do some extra long jumps.
- Air Spin by double tapping a button in mid-air. If the button is for the direction you are moving in, you will gain a bit of forward momentum. If you hold the button you will run after landing. Using this with a dash jump makes it possible to do five tile long jumps with good timing. If the button is for the opposite direction you are moving in, you do a useless spin.
Flowers & Skulls
Flowers indicate that there is a hidden warp on the current screen.

Skulls activate egg blocks when you jump over them towards the left.

Green egg
Just go through levels normally, without warps, and you will end up at the temple for the green egg.
Yellow egg
- Go through the two intro levels normally.
- In the first forest level, continue until you reach a hill with an eye-guy and a mouth. Bounce off these monsters to reach the platform above the exit and walk into the wall for the warp.

- Go through the sky level.
- Continue a bit forward then activate the skull by jumping over it to the left. Jump up using the mushroom, mouth and egg blocks. Make a high jump at the end of the platform to enter the warp.

- Make your way past the wizard and jump into the water at the end.
- Swim through the level and exit at the top of the water at the end. Continue through the small cave after.
- Continue through the mountain level until you reach the small eyes in the picture. Use your slam to launch a small eye up through two ledges. (The slam must be close to the eye to launch it.) Use the eye to bounce up on the rocks and walk right to warp.

- Go through the dark forest level normally and enter the temple.
- Go through the temple normally. (You can use your slam to make the robot eyes fall from the ceiling.)
- Defeat the boss and the yellow egg is yours!
Red egg
- Go through the two intro levels normally.
- In the first forest level, continue until you reach a hill with an eye-guy and a mouth. Bounce off these monsters to reach the platform above the exit and walk into the wall for the warp.

- Go through the sky level.
- Go through the second forest level normally. Jump into the water at the end.
- Swim through the first water level normally. Swim up at the end.
- Go through the third forest level until you reach some ledges and two eye guys. Defeat the eye guys and jump the skull. Jump up onto the egg blocks and walk right to enter the portal.

- Swim through the second water level normally. Enter the visible warp at the end.
- Go through the first mountain level normally.
- Go through the two cave screens normally.
- Go through the second mountain level. There is a shortcut at the beginning if you bounce on the invisible fruit, see image below.

- Stop when you see the skull and jump it. Jump up onto the ledge on the right. Jump at the end of the ledge. You will land on an invisible platform. Walk right to enter the warp.

- Swim through the vertical water level. After a while there is a small dead end through a thin spiked tunnel on the left side. Swim inside to enter the warp.

- Continue through the temple entrance on the cloud.
- The boss room is the only room in this temple. Defeat the boss and the red egg is yours!
This guide is based on information from the original source: Steam Community Guide.