Campanella Cherry coffee triggers
the Cherry requirement for Campanella involves activating triggers and collecting coffees
Usage Instructions
Triggers are indicated in each level's image by a brown circle
In case the circles are too hard to see, I also included little descriptions of their positions
Wince the triggers are the only invisible part of this cherry, I thought of only including them. Figuring out the route you'll take is still up to you!
World A
- A-1: Top of the level
- A-2: Top-right corner
- A-3: Top-right corner
- A-4: In right of the T-shaped corridor
- A-6: To the left of the purple rectangle on the left
- A-7: Inside of the middle umbrella's hole
- A-8: Behind the purple block
- A-9: Top-right of the spawn location
World B
- B-1: Through the corridor at the top of the level
- B-2: On the left of the big lake
- B-3: Behind a pillar on the right side of the level
- B-4: On the right exit of the J-shaped hole
- B-6: On top of the pillar on the left side of the level
- B-7: On the left side of the left bomb
- B-8: Hole between a lake and the left eye snake
- B-9: Hole on top of the right eye snake
World C
- C-1: Hole underneath the spawn point
- C-2: In front of the shattering glass
- C-3: Through a gap that's opened after a level is flicked
- C-4: Bottom right of the level, underneath the clown box
- C-6: Bottom left of the hole on the bottom right
- C-7: Right underneath the top fire spinning box
- C-8: Top gap of the P-shaped polygon with an eye snake
- C-9: Bottom right corner of the level
World D
- D-1: On the left hole of the pepper shaker
- D-2: Bottom right of the level, to the right of the big trigger-able block
- D-3: On the top-left of the 2x1 water puddle
- D-4: In the gap in the middle of the level
- D-6: In the gap underneath the spawn point
- D-7: In the hole to the right of the spawn point
- D-8: On the top-right of the large water pool
- D-9: In the dead-end underneath the three moving plate tiles
World E
- E-1: Gap underneath the top white eye
- E-2: Gap between two blocks on the right side of the level
- E-3: Underneath the lever to the right of the spawn point
- E-4: On the left gap of the tile the left snake crawls on
- E-6: In the hole of the right-most red bubble
- E-7: On top of the cannon underneath the right white eye
- E-8: In the gap at the middle of the level
- E-9: Behind the exit
This guide is based on information from the original source: Steam Community Guide.